

Teachers, educators, professionals interested in exploring the theory of the 100 languages and culture of the atelier 


with documentation material collected in the infant-toddler centres and preschools of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, viewable for 6 months


December 5 and January 23
2-4 pm (Rome time)


English/Italian with simultaneous translation

Il bambino, come essere umano, possiede cento linguaggi: cento modi di pensare, esprimersi, capire, incontrare l’altro attraverso un pensiero che intreccia e non separa le dimensioni dell’esperienza. I cento linguaggi sono metafora delle potenzialità straordinarie dei bambini, dei processi conoscitivi e creativi, delle forme molteplici con cui la vita si manifesta e la conoscenza viene costruita. [...] Compito del nido e della scuola dell’infanzia è valorizzare tutti i linguaggi verbali e non verbali con pari dignità.

[Dal Regolamento Scuole e Nidi d'infanzia del Comune di Reggio Emilia]

Questo percorso è un’occasione per approfondire la teoria dei 100 linguaggi e la cultura dell'atelier attraverso la visione e lo studio di 5 webinar on demand e la partecipazione a 2 conversazioni live con pedagogiste e atelieristi di Reggio Emilia.

Nei webinar insegnanti, atelieristi e pedagogiste tratteranno il tema dei 100 linguaggi attraverso l’uso di ampio materiale di documentazione raccolto durante l’esperienza quotidiana maturata nei nidi e nelle scuole dell’infanzia del Comune di Reggio Emilia.

What is included

WEBINAR ON DEMAND Series: The 100 languages of children and adults
Children and Clay
2 hours
WEBINAR ON DEMAND Series: The 100 languages of children and adults
Children and Nature
2 hours
WEBINAR ON DEMAND Series: The 100 languages of children and adults
Children and Music
2 hours
WEBINAR ON DEMAND Series: The 100 languages of children and adults
Children and the digital
2 hours
First live conversation for deeper discussion on the on-demand videos
December 5, 2023 - 2 PM (Rome time)
Second live conversation for deeper discussion on the on-demand videos
January 23, 2024 - 2 PM (Rome time)


More info

Will live conversations be recorded?


No, live conversations will only be available at the times and days indicated in the program. They will not be recorded and made available later. This is the reason why your participation in appointments is very important.

If I can't participate, can I get a refund or move my registration to another scheduled Journey?


If you cancel your registration within 14 days prior to the start of the Journey, you will receive the 75% refund.

In case of cancellations received within 13 days prior to the start of the first live meeting, and for “no shows” or for unused services once the program is in progress, no refund of any kind will be due by Reggio Children srl. 

It is not possible to move one's participation fee from one Journey to another, even if the participation fee is the same.

See our Term and conditions.

Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia Approach® is an educational philosophy based on the image of a child with strong potentialities for development and a subject with rights, who learns through the hundred languages belonging to all human beings, and grows in relations with others.

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